Kirghizia, Anti-stress programmes, June-July 2010
Anti-stress programmes in Kirghizia
The Fund began active work in KIRGHIZIA in June 2010 (capital: city of Bishkek, religion: Muslim (75%), Orthodox (20%), other faiths (5%)).
Employees of Fund - doctors, psychologists – carry out rehabilitation programmes for the population of the republic (Kirghiz, Uzbeks, Russians) who were in the conflict zones which appeared in connection with the disorders in Kirghizia in June.
Work in the cities and villages which were in the epicentre of the conflict is carrying on.
City of Osh
Rehabilitation programmes at the Raspadskaya mine, Mezhdurechensk, June 2010
Rehabilitation programmes at the Raspadskaya mine (Mezhdurechensk, Kemerovo Region)
During the tragedy at the Raspadskaya mine, 66 people died and 24 are registered as missing persons. Almost a third of them were rescue workers who went underground after the first explosion…
Rehabilitation programmes have been undergone by workers of Raspadskaya who participated in the elimination of the tragedy at the enterprise, as well as relatives of the lost miners.
“...At the end of the programme, participants noted a marked improvement of their physical and mental condition, restoration of sleep, reduction of anxiety and signs of stress. Relatives of the lost miners noted that after the classes life was restored.” - From a response by the deputy director general of Raspadskaya Coal Company closed joint-stock company and director of Raspadskaya open joint-stock company, S.N. Bakanyaeva.
Social work in Tulun, May-June 2010
Social work in Tulun (Irkutsk Region)
Under the aegis of the fund a great deal of social work is carried out in the city of Tulun (Irkutsk area).
Help is provided to people (children and adults) who are in a difficult life situation.
In Tulun Special Correctional Boarding School №28 for orphans and children without parental care, developing and anti-stress programmes for 90 children, and also an anti-stress programme for teachers have been carried out.
Many thanks to citizens of Angara who collected 5 bags of things for children and a box of detergents.
In Tulun boarding school for the aged and disabled, programmes for the removal of emotional pressure and stress for the residents and personnel (90 people) took place.
After the programme, the mood noticeably improved, and a more positive attitude to a life appeared.
Cooperation with Grenada Children’s Camp (Krasnoyarsk Territory), June-August 2010
Cooperation with Grenada Children’s Camp
Cooperation between the Fund and Grenada Children’s Sanatorium and Health Camp began at the start of June, 2010 (Krasnoyarsk Territory).
Here, weekly classes according to the programme “School without aggression” with children from 7 to 15 are carried out.
In June, more than 130 children who were resting at the camp took part in programmes.
Republic of Tyva, Anti-stress programmes, February-May 2010
From February to May, 2010 in the Republic Tyva anti-stress programmes for various sectors of the population took place.
More than 600 people took part in programmes of the Fund. Among them: teachers and students of the State University of Kyzyl, employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Directorate of Internal Affairs, took part in the Prison-Smart programme for rehabilitation of convicts in Corrective Colony number 1.
135 teenagers took part in the School Without Aggression programme in comprehensive educational establishments at the “Humane” Republican Centre of Social Rehabilitation for minors.
Programmes took place in the towns of Kyzyl, Kaa-khem and Shagonar.
Participants themselves talk about the effectiveness of the anti-stress programmes.
Responses of participants of courses in Tyva:
Yuriy Mikhaylovich Ilyashevich, officer, second lieutenant of the internal service, engineer-inspector of the group of arms of the department of material and technical provision of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Republic of Tyva:
- It is known that not the weapon kills the person, but the person who holds the weapon. The programme “Release from stress” is especially necessary for the law-enforcement officers, patrol services and Special Police Service, riot police, those who took part in operations in the Chechen Republic, Tajikistan, etc. as work of these people is always related to stressful situations with great nervous pressure.
After the programme, I felt calmer, more confident, pains in a lumbar area of the back stopped, the quality of sleep improved, and I wake up rested. The techniques learned on the course I effectively apply for self-control.
I express my gratitude to instructor Elena Nikolaevna Stefanova and wish the Human Values charitable fund to considerably expand their field of activity.
Rimma Shombuldeevna Sediya, director of the Republican Centre of Diagnostics and Consultation:
- In March, 2010 workers of our centre mastered the “Release from stress” programme. Undoubtedly, the programme is useful. In just days the team united, increased optimism in solving vital issues, and there was an interest in public life: now we have bought a uniform sportswear kit and intend to participate in various city competitions. We became more mobile, more energetic, more self-assured, intuition was raised, and the mind works more effectively. I consider that the knowledge received on the course helped Kuular Chodura Karoolovna to receive the prize in the nomination “Innovation and creativity” at the competition “Best teacher of a special correctional establishment” within the framework of the “Teacher of year.” Now we are participating in the competition “Kyzyl + us” where more than 40 organizations are competing. For many workers sleep normalized, sight improved, and there was a need to reconsider nutrition. Thanks for the knowledge received!!!
Chief, captain of the internal service of Corrective Colony №1 of Kyzyl, O.N. Todoyakov:
- Through respiratory and physical techniques offered, participants of the group improved their psycho-emotional condition, there was common vital activity, steadiness of the nervous system, and the subjective self-perception of the group changed for the better. Only positive responses came from participants of the training groups. In this connection, I want to express my gratitude for carrying out this programme.
Responses of prisoners of Corrective Colony №1 of Kyzyl
- The course enabled me to really look at life, to not worry about the past or about the future, and to calm oneself from fits of anger. I began to be less nervous, the head became clear and I simply want to live! I am very grateful to the instructor of our group for her sincere power and skill in explaining. Thanks!
A. Balakin
- To me, these exercises have provided knowledge to calm, I’ve begun to feel more healthy, and sleep has improved. I began to find contact with new people and to find a way out of any situation. My head began to ache less.
- This programme has given me ease, confidence, knowledge of how to not be nervous, be calm, and to remain a person first of all!
- This programme has given my body calm. My head stopped shaking (earlier this nervousness was always there when I talked). I became kinder, more honest, and order came to my life.
Sady Kydir-ool.
- This programme is necessary for the imprisoned. Personally, this programme has given me positive energy, composure, calmness and vivacity. I’ve become less angry. A huge thanks to you!
V. N.
Republic of Kalmykiya, Anti-stress programmes, March-May 2010
In the Republic of Kalmykiya in March-May 2010, anti-stress programmes took place for 296 people.
Programmes took place in Elista and the village of Troitsk.
Izvestiya Kalymkii republican newspaper, 7 April 2010:
"...In Elista a seminar on health techniques taught by the instructor of Human Values charitable fund, Ilgizar Gilmanov is taking place. Journalists of newspapers Khalmgunn, Izvestiya Kalmykii and Pravitelstvennoy Gazety enjoyed a three-day seminar and learned the elements of “triumphant” breathing, penetrating each cell of our body and improving our health. "You have changed having attended this seminar, become a bit different. Although it probably is imperceptible for you, gradually together with you, people surrounding you will change, assures I. Gilmanov.
Work of Human Values fund in Kalmykia is continuing, and presentations on the health technique have already taken place in educational and social establishments, as well as labour collectives (author of the article: Tseren BADMAEV).
KHALMGUNN republican newspaper (founders: Administration of the head of Republic of Kalmykia, National Khural (Parliament) of the Republic of Kalmykia), 13 April, 2010:
Volunteers from Human Values Ilgizar Gilmanov and Elena Zvereva arrived in Kalmykia to acquaint inhabitants of Elista with anti-stress respiratory gymnastics. They have undergone three-day free-of-charge courses first of all in social establishments of the city: the boarding school for aged, Elista boarding school for children, the "Care" centre and other organizations.
Up to the middle of May, any interested person can takes these courses free of charge: Kalmykia and the Republic of Tyva were included into the charitable project of the Russian fund... (author of the article: Nina SHALDUNOVA).
Pravitelstvennaya Gazeta state institution, 27 March 2010.
Representatives of Human Values charitable fund are carrying out a practical course of the anti-stress programme in Elista. According to representative of Fund Ilgizar Gilmanov, the main purposes and goals of the organization are the statement of ideals of humanism, unselfish mutual aid, promotion of a healthy lifestyle, increase of intellectual and spiritual level of the individual and revival of universal values.
The training sessions offered by the Fund are well-known in the world, and the public organization has worked in Russia since May, 2009. The anti-stress programme for inhabitants of Kalmykia and Tuva is free of charge by decision of the heads of the Fund. Participants of the practical course already include many people from Elista, and the number of interested persons is not decreasing. (Events column).
Event "Re:animation of nature", April-June 2010
The project was launched together with Re:animation social movement in April 2010 in Kazan. Owing to the unusual creative approach of the events, it received wide public approval, recognition and support of the townspeople.
The overall objective of the project is to draw attention of people to environmental problems in their native town.
General events:
In April, some events were organised together with a suburban timber enterprise for restoration of a forest after a hurricane in 2007 in Berezovaya Roshcha, settlement Derbyshki, Sukhaya river and on Goluboye lake. More than 9,000 trees were planted.
On 14 May, the first community evening took place. Walking in celebratory dresses and suits around Kazan Gorky Park , young people collected cigarette ends and other rubbish. They dressed festively especially, wishing to show the public that there is nothing to be embarrassed about when cleaning up rubbish. The responsibility for cleanliness lays not only on the shoulders of the administration of the city, but also on the townspeople.
On 22 May in Kazan, a regular Re:animation of lake Kaban in white coats creative clean-up took place.
On 5 June, on International Environment Day in Gorky Park in Kazan, the first sports SPORTtak community day was held. For participants of the unusual day, a special competitive programme with prizes and gifts for the most active tree-planter was organized. Also each participant of the event had the opportunity to express their opinion on environmental problems in open interviews. The event emphasized communication of such concepts as environment and sports.
Now Tambov has also joined this movement. So, on 9 May, within the framework of the Re:animation of Moods project, the Free Hugs event took place.
City Without Stress project, Samara, April 2010
Together with the Samara Region Socio-Ecological Union and Polyglot Linguistic Club, the Fund took part in the organization of the CITY WITHOUT STRESS charitable project in the territory of Samara Region. The programme includes charitable concerts in support of anti-stress courses in schools, higher education institutions and children’s homes.
In April-May 2010, School Without Stress courses were organised in several educational institutions:
- Secondary Comprehensive School 13 of Chapaevsk of Samara Region: Classes 3,7,9
- Secondary Comprehensive School 11 of Chapaevsk of Samara Region: Classes 5,6,10
- Lomonosov Secondary Comprehensive School 6 with concentration on certain subjects, Samara: Class 5
- Perspektiva Grammar School, Samara: Classes 3,5,6
- I’m a Polyglot linguistic club: pre-school and schoolchildren of classes 1-11.
More than 500 children participated!
Information support was given to us by: the Ministry of Culture of Samara Region, the Ministry of Science and Education of Samara Region, the Ministry of Sport, Tourism and Youth Policy of Samara Region.
Day of World Meditation in Kazan, April 2010
10 April was the Day of World Meditation. In Kazan there was a decision to join World Meditation, and the organizer was Human Values charitable fund.
Many journalists came, and for meditation approximately 150 people gathered.
Information on the media can be found at these links:
Meditation photo: can be found here.
A huge thanks to the organisers: Guzel Khayrulina and Ekaterina Vorontsova.
Gagarin Week in Kansk Gagarin Children's Home, April 2010
Under the aegis of Human Values charitable fund, from 1 to 3 April 2010 in Kansk Gagarin Children’s A School Without Aggression courses took place.
Courses took place for children of preschool groups, and also 15 people of a senior correctional group, were carried out together with tutors in game and entertainment form. Children were very happy and asked when we will come again.
In honour of celebrating Gagarin week from 5 to 9 April, we presented developing and interactive toys to all 167 children of the children’s home. These toys were distributed between three age groups: preschool, primary and various age.
All tutors and management have expressed their sincere gratitude for the work carried out and the contribution made!
We thank Veronika Shakalina for carrying out courses and Anna Shcherbakova for the organization of all events!
Keep Life Fest concert, 4 February 2010
Under the aegis of the Fund on 4 February 2010 in Kazan the Keep Life Fest charitable concert took place (Celebrating of Life in All its Displays). All funds from the concert have gone on realization of social projects. The concert had about 300 spectators.
Anti-stress programmes for children in Elabuga, February 2010
Together with Planet of Kindness fund, anti-stress programmes for children of different age groups were carried out (within the framework of A School Without Aggression project).
Kirghizia, Anti-stress programmes, June-July 2010
Anti-stress programmes in Kirghizia
The Fund began active work in KIRGHIZIA in June 2010 (capital: city of Bishkek, religion: Muslim (75%), Orthodox (20%), other faiths (5%)).
Employees of Fund - doctors, psychologists – carry out rehabilitation programmes for the population of the republic (Kirghiz, Uzbeks, Russians) who were in the conflict zones which appeared in connection with the disorders in Kirghizia in June.
Work in the cities and villages which were in the epicentre of the conflict is carrying on.
City of Osh
Rehabilitation programmes at the Raspadskaya mine, Mezhdurechensk, June 2010
Rehabilitation programmes at the Raspadskaya mine (Mezhdurechensk, Kemerovo Region)
During the tragedy at the Raspadskaya mine, 66 people died and 24 are registered as missing persons. Almost a third of them were rescue workers who went underground after the first explosion…
Rehabilitation programmes have been undergone by workers of Raspadskaya who participated in the elimination of the tragedy at the enterprise, as well as relatives of the lost miners.
“...At the end of the programme, participants noted a marked improvement of their physical and mental condition, restoration of sleep, reduction of anxiety and signs of stress. Relatives of the lost miners noted that after the classes life was restored.” - From a response by the deputy director general of Raspadskaya Coal Company closed joint-stock company and director of Raspadskaya open joint-stock company, S.N. Bakanyaeva.
Social work in Tulun, May-June 2010
Social work in Tulun (Irkutsk Region)
Under the aegis of the fund a great deal of social work is carried out in the city of Tulun (Irkutsk area).
Help is provided to people (children and adults) who are in a difficult life situation.
In Tulun Special Correctional Boarding School №28 for orphans and children without parental care, developing and anti-stress programmes for 90 children, and also an anti-stress programme for teachers have been carried out.
Many thanks to citizens of Angara who collected 5 bags of things for children and a box of detergents.
In Tulun boarding school for the aged and disabled, programmes for the removal of emotional pressure and stress for the residents and personnel (90 people) took place.
After the programme, the mood noticeably improved, and a more positive attitude to a life appeared.
Cooperation with Grenada Children’s Camp (Krasnoyarsk Territory), June-August 2010
Cooperation with Grenada Children’s Camp
Cooperation between the Fund and Grenada Children’s Sanatorium and Health Camp began at the start of June, 2010 (Krasnoyarsk Territory).
Here, weekly classes according to the programme “School without aggression” with children from 7 to 15 are carried out.
In June, more than 130 children who were resting at the camp took part in programmes.
Republic of Tyva, Anti-stress programmes, February-May 2010
From February to May, 2010 in the Republic Tyva anti-stress programmes for various sectors of the population took place.
More than 600 people took part in programmes of the Fund. Among them: teachers and students of the State University of Kyzyl, employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Directorate of Internal Affairs, took part in the Prison-Smart programme for rehabilitation of convicts in Corrective Colony number 1.
135 teenagers took part in the School Without Aggression programme in comprehensive educational establishments at the “Humane” Republican Centre of Social Rehabilitation for minors.
Programmes took place in the towns of Kyzyl, Kaa-khem and Shagonar.
Participants themselves talk about the effectiveness of the anti-stress programmes.
Responses of participants of courses in Tyva:
Yuriy Mikhaylovich Ilyashevich, officer, second lieutenant of the internal service, engineer-inspector of the group of arms of the department of material and technical provision of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Republic of Tyva:
- It is known that not the weapon kills the person, but the person who holds the weapon. The programme “Release from stress” is especially necessary for the law-enforcement officers, patrol services and Special Police Service, riot police, those who took part in operations in the Chechen Republic, Tajikistan, etc. as work of these people is always related to stressful situations with great nervous pressure.
After the programme, I felt calmer, more confident, pains in a lumbar area of the back stopped, the quality of sleep improved, and I wake up rested. The techniques learned on the course I effectively apply for self-control.
I express my gratitude to instructor Elena Nikolaevna Stefanova and wish the Human Values charitable fund to considerably expand their field of activity.
Rimma Shombuldeevna Sediya, director of the Republican Centre of Diagnostics and Consultation:
- In March, 2010 workers of our centre mastered the “Release from stress” programme. Undoubtedly, the programme is useful. In just days the team united, increased optimism in solving vital issues, and there was an interest in public life: now we have bought a uniform sportswear kit and intend to participate in various city competitions. We became more mobile, more energetic, more self-assured, intuition was raised, and the mind works more effectively. I consider that the knowledge received on the course helped Kuular Chodura Karoolovna to receive the prize in the nomination “Innovation and creativity” at the competition “Best teacher of a special correctional establishment” within the framework of the “Teacher of year.” Now we are participating in the competition “Kyzyl + us” where more than 40 organizations are competing. For many workers sleep normalized, sight improved, and there was a need to reconsider nutrition. Thanks for the knowledge received!!!
Chief, captain of the internal service of Corrective Colony №1 of Kyzyl, O.N. Todoyakov:
- Through respiratory and physical techniques offered, participants of the group improved their psycho-emotional condition, there was common vital activity, steadiness of the nervous system, and the subjective self-perception of the group changed for the better. Only positive responses came from participants of the training groups. In this connection, I want to express my gratitude for carrying out this programme.
Responses of prisoners of Corrective Colony №1 of Kyzyl
- The course enabled me to really look at life, to not worry about the past or about the future, and to calm oneself from fits of anger. I began to be less nervous, the head became clear and I simply want to live! I am very grateful to the instructor of our group for her sincere power and skill in explaining. Thanks!
A. Balakin
- To me, these exercises have provided knowledge to calm, I’ve begun to feel more healthy, and sleep has improved. I began to find contact with new people and to find a way out of any situation. My head began to ache less.
- This programme has given me ease, confidence, knowledge of how to not be nervous, be calm, and to remain a person first of all!
- This programme has given my body calm. My head stopped shaking (earlier this nervousness was always there when I talked). I became kinder, more honest, and order came to my life.
Sady Kydir-ool.
- This programme is necessary for the imprisoned. Personally, this programme has given me positive energy, composure, calmness and vivacity. I’ve become less angry. A huge thanks to you!
V. N.
Republic of Kalmykiya, Anti-stress programmes, March-May 2010
In the Republic of Kalmykiya in March-May 2010, anti-stress programmes took place for 296 people.
Programmes took place in Elista and the village of Troitsk.
Izvestiya Kalymkii republican newspaper, 7 April 2010:
"...In Elista a seminar on health techniques taught by the instructor of Human Values charitable fund, Ilgizar Gilmanov is taking place. Journalists of newspapers Khalmgunn, Izvestiya Kalmykii and Pravitelstvennoy Gazety enjoyed a three-day seminar and learned the elements of “triumphant” breathing, penetrating each cell of our body and improving our health. "You have changed having attended this seminar, become a bit different. Although it probably is imperceptible for you, gradually together with you, people surrounding you will change, assures I. Gilmanov.
Work of Human Values fund in Kalmykia is continuing, and presentations on the health technique have already taken place in educational and social establishments, as well as labour collectives (author of the article: Tseren BADMAEV).
KHALMGUNN republican newspaper (founders: Administration of the head of Republic of Kalmykia, National Khural (Parliament) of the Republic of Kalmykia), 13 April, 2010:
Volunteers from Human Values Ilgizar Gilmanov and Elena Zvereva arrived in Kalmykia to acquaint inhabitants of Elista with anti-stress respiratory gymnastics. They have undergone three-day free-of-charge courses first of all in social establishments of the city: the boarding school for aged, Elista boarding school for children, the "Care" centre and other organizations.
Up to the middle of May, any interested person can takes these courses free of charge: Kalmykia and the Republic of Tyva were included into the charitable project of the Russian fund... (author of the article: Nina SHALDUNOVA).
Pravitelstvennaya Gazeta state institution, 27 March 2010.
Representatives of Human Values charitable fund are carrying out a practical course of the anti-stress programme in Elista. According to representative of Fund Ilgizar Gilmanov, the main purposes and goals of the organization are the statement of ideals of humanism, unselfish mutual aid, promotion of a healthy lifestyle, increase of intellectual and spiritual level of the individual and revival of universal values.
The training sessions offered by the Fund are well-known in the world, and the public organization has worked in Russia since May, 2009. The anti-stress programme for inhabitants of Kalmykia and Tuva is free of charge by decision of the heads of the Fund. Participants of the practical course already include many people from Elista, and the number of interested persons is not decreasing. (Events column).
Event "Re:animation of nature", April-June 2010
The project was launched together with Re:animation social movement in April 2010 in Kazan. Owing to the unusual creative approach of the events, it received wide public approval, recognition and support of the townspeople.
The overall objective of the project is to draw attention of people to environmental problems in their native town.
General events:
In April, some events were organised together with a suburban timber enterprise for restoration of a forest after a hurricane in 2007 in Berezovaya Roshcha, settlement Derbyshki, Sukhaya river and on Goluboye lake. More than 9,000 trees were planted.
On 14 May, the first community evening took place. Walking in celebratory dresses and suits around Kazan Gorky Park , young people collected cigarette ends and other rubbish. They dressed festively especially, wishing to show the public that there is nothing to be embarrassed about when cleaning up rubbish. The responsibility for cleanliness lays not only on the shoulders of the administration of the city, but also on the townspeople.
On 22 May in Kazan, a regular Re:animation of lake Kaban in white coats creative clean-up took place.
On 5 June, on International Environment Day in Gorky Park in Kazan, the first sports SPORTtak community day was held. For participants of the unusual day, a special competitive programme with prizes and gifts for the most active tree-planter was organized. Also each participant of the event had the opportunity to express their opinion on environmental problems in open interviews. The event emphasized communication of such concepts as environment and sports.
Now Tambov has also joined this movement. So, on 9 May, within the framework of the Re:animation of Moods project, the Free Hugs event took place.
City Without Stress project, Samara, April 2010
Together with the Samara Region Socio-Ecological Union and Polyglot Linguistic Club, the Fund took part in the organization of the CITY WITHOUT STRESS charitable project in the territory of Samara Region. The programme includes charitable concerts in support of anti-stress courses in schools, higher education institutions and children’s homes.
In April-May 2010, School Without Stress courses were organised in several educational institutions:
- Secondary Comprehensive School 13 of Chapaevsk of Samara Region: Classes 3,7,9
- Secondary Comprehensive School 11 of Chapaevsk of Samara Region: Classes 5,6,10
- Lomonosov Secondary Comprehensive School 6 with concentration on certain subjects, Samara: Class 5
- Perspektiva Grammar School, Samara: Classes 3,5,6
- I’m a Polyglot linguistic club: pre-school and schoolchildren of classes 1-11.
More than 500 children participated!
Information support was given to us by: the Ministry of Culture of Samara Region, the Ministry of Science and Education of Samara Region, the Ministry of Sport, Tourism and Youth Policy of Samara Region.
Day of World Meditation in Kazan, April 2010
10 April was the Day of World Meditation. In Kazan there was a decision to join World Meditation, and the organizer was Human Values charitable fund.
Many journalists came, and for meditation approximately 150 people gathered.
Information on the media can be found at these links:
Meditation photo: can be found here.
A huge thanks to the organisers: Guzel Khayrulina and Ekaterina Vorontsova.
Gagarin Week in Kansk Gagarin Children's Home, April 2010
Under the aegis of Human Values charitable fund, from 1 to 3 April 2010 in Kansk Gagarin Children’s A School Without Aggression courses took place.
Courses took place for children of preschool groups, and also 15 people of a senior correctional group, were carried out together with tutors in game and entertainment form. Children were very happy and asked when we will come again.
In honour of celebrating Gagarin week from 5 to 9 April, we presented developing and interactive toys to all 167 children of the children’s home. These toys were distributed between three age groups: preschool, primary and various age.
All tutors and management have expressed their sincere gratitude for the work carried out and the contribution made!
We thank Veronika Shakalina for carrying out courses and Anna Shcherbakova for the organization of all events!
Keep Life Fest concert, 4 February 2010
Under the aegis of the Fund on 4 February 2010 in Kazan the Keep Life Fest charitable concert took place (Celebrating of Life in All its Displays). All funds from the concert have gone on realization of social projects. The concert had about 300 spectators.
Anti-stress programmes for children in Elabuga, February 2010
Together with Planet of Kindness fund, anti-stress programmes for children of different age groups were carried out (within the framework of A School Without Aggression project).